My Story


Might as well tell my tale.

I'm a product of the 60's and early 70's. Like too many of my generation i made a lot of unwise decisions. But then I rediscovered my faith, and even briefly considered the priesthood.

Then I met my wife. We married, and had three children, and I began my career as a teacher.

Sadly, my wife developed cancer, and the cancer claimed her shortly after our 12th wedding anniversary.

I found myself a single parent with three young children.

My sister saved the day. She moved in with us, and helped to raise the children, providing a female figure in their lives. She was their "mother" in so many ways. She provided me with the support we all needed.

The children are all grown and on their own now. My sister is still with me. Before she moved in she'd had a failed marriage and a series of failed relationships. She also struggled with emotional and mental issues. Being part of the our family helped to take her mind off her own issues, and to provide her with some stability and support.

Over the years Sis has struggled more and more with her issues. In many ways I have become her caregiver. 

Which is fine with me. i'm grateful for all she did when I needed her.

So Sis, the dog, and me.  We are family.

g er

er pry 


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